Church Roots
Temenos has deep roots in a spiritual tradition of mysticism honoring the wisdom of nature. Temenos Retreat and Sanctuary is an independent 501(c)3. It is an outreach of love maintained by Temenos Church (a separate registered non-profit).
Originally in 1985, the North American Swedenborgian Church and the Philadelphia Swedenborgian Church purchased the 57-acre land parcel now known as Temenos Retreat and Sanctuary. The vision was to create a retreat where people of all faiths could come to renew body, mind, and spirit. The property consisted of the land, the farmhouse, the caretaker’s cottage (across from the farmhouse), and the gatehouse – a modular building near the Retreat driveway entrance.
Soon after purchase, the Sky Meadow house was built to house pastor Ernie Martin and his wife. This building also included space for guests and small classes. In 1997 the Retreat House was built and opened in 1998. There were plans for several more all-purpose buildings, including a chapel for the church. These original plans were modified when, in 1999, The Philadelphia Swedenborgian Church (now known as Temenos Church) took full ownership of the property to serve as a retreat center and nature sanctuary.

A New Era in the Spiritual Life of Humanity
We recognize that we are in the dawn of a new period in the Spiritual Evolution of humanity in which people from around the world are awakening to the inner spiritual depths of their own traditions to come together in peace and harmony. We are part of the Swedenborgian Churches of North America (a liberal, progressive Protestant denomination), and also The Peace 21 Initiative. We practice an inclusive Spirituality based on the teachings of Jesus along with the wisdom of other traditions. We incorporate the insights of all spiritual paths.
Who We Are
Temenos welcomes you as you are and affirms your journey. We welcome people of all backgrounds who seek personal and spiritual growth in an extended family atmosphere.
We support the full participation of everyone, and families of all kinds – interfaith, single parent, LGBT, and seekers exploring their spiritual heritage.
We are a community dedicated to nurturing the dignity and uniqueness of all people and paths. Our community nestles in this “Place of Heart” surrounded by inspired landscape. We give thanks and listen as the Holy One of Divine Wisdom and Love unfolds in our lives.
Sunday Church Services
Our weekly Sunday services speak to a global spirituality. The traditional blends with the non-traditional in the ageless mysticism of Love unfolding. Church Services are contemplative with song, prayer, poetry, meditation, and a short pastoral contemplation. We welcome families and individuals of all faiths and belief systems. It is in our sizable diversity that we may accomplish great good. Services are offered virtually online and through our Facebook page and website, and begin at 10 am EST.
We belong to the Swedenborgian Churches of North America, a liberal Protestant denomination. We are also aligned with “Order of the Sacred Earth,” Peace 21 Community, Wild Church Community, and Earth Stewards Network.

Additional Spiritual Offerings at Temenos
We also offer various forms of contemplation and meditation throughout each month. These include: yoga, silent meditation, drumming, nature awareness, sound meditations and Wild Church, a monthly woodland meditative gathering.
Please check the Community Offerings Calendar (link to homeage calendar) for information.
Our Pastor
For more information please go to:
The Swedenborg Church of North America –
The online Swedenborg Community –
Peace 21 -
Wild Church Community -
Earth Stewards Network -