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3rd Sunday in Advent: Songs of Mary Advent Evensong Service

2025-02-18 17:00 2025-02-18 18:00 America/Halifax 3rd Sunday in Advent: Songs of Mary Advent Evensong Service

This Year we will explore Advent the through the Sacred Rhythms of Air, Fire, Water and Earth. Join us in a contemplative Advent Evensong through the “being” of Mary in song and word. Poetry Prayer and Song call us to Peace. It is shown on Facebook “live” at 5:00 p.m. Sunday the 13th on our Facebook page “Temenos Retreat and Sanctuary,” and you can watch anytime after that. Please join us!

on facebook "live" at 5:00 p.m

This Year we will explore Advent the through the Sacred Rhythms of Air, Fire, Water and Earth.

Join us in a contemplative Advent Evensong through the “being” of Mary in song and word. Poetry Prayer and Song call us to Peace.

It is shown on Facebook “live” at 5:00 p.m. Sunday the 13th on our Facebook page “Temenos Retreat and Sanctuary,” and you can watch anytime after that. Please join us!