4th Sunday in Advent: “Mary’s Heart- Called by the Earth”
From 10:00 am to 11:00 amThis Year we will explore Advent the through the Sacred Rhythms of Air, Fire, Water and Earth. Each week intertwines these rhythms with the different images of Mary and the elements. Week 4 of Advent Sunday Service Explore the Elements of Stone and Earth through Mary’s Heart How are You Held by the Earth? A Sunday Service of Song, Poetry, Prayer and Contemplation in the Mystic Tradition of Love Ever Unfolding. Join us on Facebook “live” at 10:00 a.m. Sunday the 20th on our Facebook page “Temenos Retreat and Sanctuary,” and you can watch anytime after that. Please join us!
on facebook "live" at 10:00 a.m.
This Year we will explore Advent the through the Sacred Rhythms of Air, Fire, Water and Earth. Each week intertwines these rhythms with the different images of Mary and the elements.
Week 4 of Advent Sunday Service
Explore the Elements of Stone and Earth through Mary’s Heart
How are You Held by the Earth?
A Sunday Service of Song, Poetry, Prayer and Contemplation in the Mystic Tradition of Love Ever Unfolding. Join us on Facebook “live” at 10:00 a.m. Sunday the 20th on our Facebook page “Temenos Retreat and Sanctuary,” and you can watch anytime after that. Please join us!