“Kindling” Sunday Service
From 10:00 am to 11:00 am“Kindling” Sunday Service January 16, 2022 Please join with us this Sunday, January 9th at 10am EST via Zoom for our Sunday service “Surrender” with Rev. Cairn Neely. Please email info@temenoscommunity.org for the Zoom link. Please note if you log in early, you will be in the ‘waiting room’ until the service begins at 10am. There will also be time for community conversation. The service will not be recorded. As a gentle reminder, beginning Sunday, January 2nd, we are currently not having in-person Sunday Services to allow more time for health and safety for the community. Photo by Rebecca Powell, taken at Temenos Retreat the night of the Winter Solstice 12/21/21
online via Zoom
“Kindling” Sunday Service
January 16, 2022
Please join with us this Sunday, January 9th at 10am EST via Zoom for our Sunday service “Surrender” with Rev. Cairn Neely. Please email info@temenoscommunity.org for the Zoom link.
Please note if you log in early, you will be in the ‘waiting room’ until the service begins at 10am. There will also be time for community conversation. The service will not be recorded.
As a gentle reminder, beginning Sunday, January 2nd, we are currently not having in-person Sunday Services to allow more time for health and safety for the community.
Photo by Rebecca Powell, taken at Temenos Retreat the night of the Winter Solstice 12/21/21