“Pentecost Beginnings” Sunday Service
From 10:00 am to 11:00 am“Pentecost Beginnings” Sunday Service May 23, 2021 Rev. Yung Me Suh Morris, guest minister We are very pleased to welcome Rev. Yung Me Suh Morris* as our guest minister for this Sunday’s outdoor, livestreaming service at Temenos Retreat Center. This service will begin livestreaming at 10am from our Facebook page ( www.facebook.com/TemenosCommunity ) and will later be available for viewing on our YouTube account “Temenos Community,” and through our website. If you would like to worship with us in person, please arrive by 9:55am so that you may sign in (for contact tracing) and be seated. Please bring your mask, sunglasses and a chair if you wish. We do provide folding chairs. In case of inclement weather the service will take place indoors, and we will notify and send an update by 6:00 pm on Saturday. *About our guest minister: Rev. Yung Me Suh Morris is a Korean American ordained Minister of Word and Sacrament with the Presbyterian Church USA. She has pastored congregations through transitions, journeyed with children and families through traumas as a Pediatric Hospital Chaplain and is now accompanying those who transition from this life to the life hereafter as a Hospice Chaplain. Yung Me met the Temenos community at a Full Moon Drumming Circle where she met the beloved and wise Christine and her wolves. Yung Me and family (spouse, daughter and three miniature poodles) live in West Chester but she will always call San Francisco home.
1564 Telegraph Road, West Chester, PA 19382
“Pentecost Beginnings” Sunday Service
May 23, 2021
Rev. Yung Me Suh Morris, guest minister
We are very pleased to welcome Rev. Yung Me Suh Morris* as our guest minister for this Sunday’s outdoor, livestreaming service at Temenos Retreat Center.
This service will begin livestreaming at 10am from our Facebook page ( www.facebook.com/TemenosCommunity ) and will later be available for viewing on our YouTube account “Temenos Community,” and through our website.
If you would like to worship with us in person, please arrive by 9:55am so that you may sign in (for contact tracing) and be seated. Please bring your mask, sunglasses and a chair if you wish. We do provide folding chairs. In case of inclement weather the service will take place indoors, and we will notify and send an update by 6:00 pm on Saturday.
*About our guest minister: Rev. Yung Me Suh Morris is a Korean American ordained Minister of Word and Sacrament with the Presbyterian Church USA. She has pastored congregations through transitions, journeyed with children and families through traumas as a Pediatric Hospital Chaplain and is now accompanying those who transition from this life to the life hereafter as a Hospice Chaplain. Yung Me met the Temenos community at a Full Moon Drumming Circle where she met the beloved and wise Christine and her wolves. Yung Me and family (spouse, daughter and three miniature poodles) live in West Chester but she will always call San Francisco home.