“Together” Sunday Service (on Zoom only)
From 10:00 am to 11:00 am“Together” Sunday Service January 30, 2022 Please join with us at 10am on Zoom for the “Together” Sunday service with Rev. Cairn Neely. This service will NOT be held in-person, but will be available to watch “live” on Zoom. For security reasons please send a direct message to us on our Facebook page for the link, or check our “Team Temenos” Facebook page if you are a member. If you’ve joined with us on Zoom before, it is the same link. As a gentle reminder, beginning Sunday, January 2nd we are currently not having in-person Sunday Services to allow more time for health and safety for the community. We hope to resume in-person services in February. If you would like to contribute at this time, please do so by sending a check payable to “FNJS” at Temenos Retreat 1564 Telegraph Road, West Chester, PA 19382. “Above All Else, Love” Facebook Event Link: https://fb.me/e/2VRJTP6Gf
online via Zoom
“Together” Sunday Service
January 30, 2022
Please join with us at 10am on Zoom for the “Together” Sunday service with Rev. Cairn Neely.
This service will NOT be held in-person, but will be available to watch “live” on Zoom. For security reasons please send a direct message to us on our Facebook page for the link, or check our “Team Temenos” Facebook page if you are a member. If you’ve joined with us on Zoom before, it is the same link. As a gentle reminder, beginning Sunday, January 2nd we are currently not having in-person Sunday Services to allow more time for health and safety for the community. We hope to resume in-person services in February.
If you would like to contribute at this time, please do so by sending a check payable to “FNJS” at Temenos Retreat 1564 Telegraph Road, West Chester, PA 19382.
“Above All Else, Love”
Facebook Event Link: https://fb.me/e/2VRJTP6Gf